The last four drawings I've done with marker
(yikes, no erasing) and ink, have been dismally awful, so I've painted over them with ground. The problem is the fear, I think, of not being able to go slowly and make changes. Plus a lack of skill. The lines are just so final. So I'm going to do blind contours for awhile, and don't mind the drawings at all. They look just like they should. This one of my clip fan I actually like, may have to do something funky with color on top of it. Maybe once I get some confidence going, I can attempt some real sketches of people (which is what I had to cover over) or just keep practicing, but in a less "precious" sketchbook, where I can leave the bad drawings, or tear them out.

I had a art teacher that thought us to close are eyes and try to draw as a exercise. it is kinda neat to see what we make with out sight
I love blind contour drawings and this one is exquisite! They seem to capture something we see, but don't know we see... or something. I had a teacher who made us draw the view from the other side of the room - leave the paper, walk to the other side, look, walk back, draw a line (or two if brave), walk back, look, walk... it was great exercise, very hard, but I produced one of the best life drawings ever.
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