Sunday, May 28, 2006
Pink or Yellow on Top?

First Color Addition
Sketches Irises
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Face Stands Alone
Today Molly the puppy will be leaving us. That makes nine out of ten pups sold. The only one left is Mr. Scarface, or Face. I've been trying to sketch the pups as they sleep, the only time they are still enough to draw. This is done in the little Moleskine sketchbook, no erasing, in marker. Of course the angle is a bit odd, since I was looking down on him.
Iris Days

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Marker Problem Solved
The last four drawings I've done with marker
(yikes, no erasing) and ink, have been dismally awful, so I've painted over them with ground. The problem is the fear, I think, of not being able to go slowly and make changes. Plus a lack of skill. The lines are just so final. So I'm going to do blind contours for awhile, and don't mind the drawings at all. They look just like they should. This one of my clip fan I actually like, may have to do something funky with color on top of it. Maybe once I get some confidence going, I can attempt some real sketches of people (which is what I had to cover over) or just keep practicing, but in a less "precious" sketchbook, where I can leave the bad drawings, or tear them out.

Brookside Gardens

Another Creek

Watercolors Creek
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The Second Small Landscape
Here's the second landscape that I couldn't upload last night. I guess it was too big, this photo stuff is all an awkward trial and error for me. Did you read the post on Danny Gregory's site today? So true, all this blogging and surfing is important and fun, and interactive, but like everything else, it takes time, time away from other things, like my time in the studio. I imagine that the more you do it, the quicker you get. There's always a learning curve with any new venture, but the point is moderation. And keeping priorities straight (always a trick). I want to share, but also to make sure I have creative time for my spirit, my heart. I think the post is worthwhile reading. The fan Danny draws is also a wonderful thing to see. I will try to add the link here.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Two Small Landscapes

Graphitint Landscape

There's been so much talk lately on the EDM blogs about the Derwent watercolor pencils called Graphitint, so being an art supply junkie, I had to find some too. This is my first try with the pencils and water, and it's the colors. The colors are so suited to subtleties, so suited to landscapes. Very subdued colors, in this set anyway. I like them, I like them, don't give them to Mikie. (Oh, dear, guess I'm showing my age wth that little reference, but what the hey, right?) I did the drawing from a photo I took last summer.
The Fire Hydrant

My first entry into the watercolor Moleskine, which feels so tiny to me. But it was fun, I took my stool and one of the dogs outside, and plopped myself down, and just started with color. Normally I would have done some pencil work first, but the little watercolor kit I brought with me didn't have a pencil, so there you go. It's an Everyday Matters challenge piece, I forget the number, maybe I'll have to start notating that in my margins. Yeah, there's an idea. Anyway, Chaos (the pooch) thought it would be especially cool to sit right between me and the hydrant, maybe because it's one of his personal favorite places, so it was a challenging experience. Thanks for looking.
Mother's Day Challenge
Sleeping Dude

I wanted to try sketching in public, so off I went to the nearby Italian neighborhood pizza place with bar connected, to draw. There wasn't anybody there though, so I went nextdoor with my dinner, and yes, a dude sleeping on the couch (napping cause he was tired, ya think?) just asking to be sketched. I was oh, so obliging between bites of my spaghetti. This one is done on a gesso ground, with some graphite wash and pencil.
Balcony Plantings

Gotta Start Somewhere...
Jumping into the pool of blogging, mostly to post Everyday Matters challenges, make comments on art materials I'm trying, and get whatever help I can on sketches and drawings, watercolors and oil paintings I'm attempting to paint. General ramblings and musings about this effort to make art that matters. I've been looking at the blogs linked to Everyday Matters, and there's a dedicated bunch of folks trying diligently to make art a part of their daily lives, taking the creative challenge. I want to play too. Setting up a blog wasn't nearly as hard as I imagined. I think the trick will be (being honest about my lack of techie knowledge) making links, and figuring out how to finesse the blog, once it's up and working.
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