Sometimes our kids know what we need even better than we do. My daughter was kidding around on the phone today, telling me she was sick of looking at the front porch(last post in early June), and that I needed to sit down and draw. She was more right than she knew. I have been "spring cleaning" in a way, in order to move my studio into a bigger room, yanking up old carpet, washing windows, floors, walls, and the things I'm moving as I go. It's been...mumble mumble...a long time since I really cleaned my studio equipment. (When was the last time you wiped down your electric pencil sharpener with Mr. Clean? Yeah, me too!) And I really DID need to just center, sit and draw. So here's challenge number 69, draw a beverage. The cup and saucer are from a set of six Ansley cups that my mother treasured and enjoyed using, and the silver spoons (the real kind that get hot when you stir your tea) belonged to my grandmother, very beaufiful things, and interesting to watercolor. They will go to my daughter someday. The drawing angle was off, I should have tilted up my sketchbook more to be at the right angle to my line of sight. And the ellipses are a bit "off," as are the values...white porcelain that reflects is tricky, but by and large, I'm happy with the sketch. If anyone's done reflective surfaces, and has hints, I'd love to hear them...silver, liquids, porcelain? Thanks in advance.